Professional Photographer Sabina Cowdery captures D-Day Veteran Lewis Trinder at the Normandy Landing Beaches

Normandy D-Day Veterans Photographed at the Landing Beaches

Normandy D-Day Veterans Photographed at the Landing Beaches. Captured by Sabina Cowdery, commercial photographer in Normandy since 2008.   // Lisez cet article sur les vétérans du D-Day en français en cliaquant ici //   As with every year Armistice Day reminds us all of the sacrifice made by the generations before us. Where so many (too many)…

Parc Historique Ornavik - Des Vikings aux Normands © Sabina Cowdery @anibasphotography

Visit Ornavik – Event Photographer

Event Photographer – Visit to the Historic Park Ornavik. From Vikings to Normans, photographed by Sabina Cowdery. Normandie Attractivité invited me to discover Ornavik, a fascinating historical park, that recreates the era before and after the Vikings arrived in Normandy. Being a fan of Vikings based series I jumped at the chance to discover about…

Christmas Illuminations photographed in Normandy, France

Christmas Illuminations photographed in Normandy, France. By commercial and event photographer Sabina Cowdery. Despite being busy finishing my work for the end of the year, video and photo editing of my commercial and tourism projects I couldn’t help but set myself a personal challenge ‘Just for fun’ to capture the Christmas illuminations in Normandy. Photography…

D-Day Parade at Bayeux - Normandie

D-Day – Grande Parade de la Libération à Bayeux – Normandie

D-Day – Grande Parade de la Libération à  Bayeux – Normandie Photographié par la photographe professionnelle en Normandie, Sabina Cowdery. Il y avait un air de fête à Bayeux pour leur grande parade du jour J, qui faisait partie du ‘D-Day Festival’ organisé pour le 75ème anniversaire en 2019. Célébration de la libération par les forces…