A beautiful Mont St Michel Proposal Photoshoot By English-speaking photographer Sabina Cowdery Ayman from Houston, Texas, USA had contacted me explaning that Ash knew about the photoshoot and that I’d be filmining too, to make a video for them as well. This one was going to be the last of several photoshoots during their trip. They’d already been travelling for around ten days to Scotland, London and of course Paris. I got to do the best photoshoot… the surprise proposal. Ashnoor knew about the photoshoot, she knew I’d be filming it too to create a video but she didn’t know it was the moment her life was about to change. In Winter here in Normandy sunset is as earlyRead more “A beautiful Mont St Michel Proposal Photoshoot”
Wonderful Winter Proposal at the Mont St Michel. Captured by experienced professional Photographer Sabina Cowdery Are you considering a wonderful Winter proposal at the Mont St Michel but aren’t sure how the weather might affect it? Yes, it’s true that Winter in Normandy is often overcast and sometimes rainy but don’t let that put you off. Firstly, you’ll see from the images below that cloudy weather gives a soft, flattering light and I feel brings out all the colours. Additionally it means no strong shadows and contrast that can cause squinting as it’s too bright. The second positive factor is that the island is a lot less busy in the winter months, meaning fewer other visitors. Whether it’sRead more “Wonderful Winter Proposal at the Mont-St-Michel”
Commercial Photographer Normandie Les Mirettes de Camille – Optician at Percy-en-normandie, photographed by Sabina Cowdery I live in a little village in Normandy countryside, called Villebaudon. The nearest small town is Percy-en-Normandie and I’ve done many projects capturing events for the town hall, various projects for local businesses and produced two photo exhibitions. I follow the local business and commerce facebook pages and learnt of a new business venture that was developing over several months. A commerce that had been empty for a while was being redeveloped to house the first local for and new optician, Les Mirettes de Camille. The renovation was supported by the Town Hall of Percy-en-Normandie and the Réseau Initiative Granville-Villedieu Intercoms. I decidedRead more “Commercial Photographer Normandie”
An unforgettable Mont-St-Michel Proposal …for both the couple and for photographer Sabina Cowdery! This was most definitely the most unforgettable Mont St Michel Proposal I’ve ever captured ! The calm looking but striking image of the Mont-St-Michel above gives a hint of what was to come! It was a December photoshoot so good weather can’t be guaranteed here in Normandy in Winter. It’s often overcast (which creates a lovely soft, flattering light that brings out the colours) and sometimes there can be rain showers so I always offer to stay flexible as to the time on the day allowing the client and I to adjust should rain be forecast. For this couple due to their travel plans weRead more “Unforgettable Mont-St-Michel Proposal”
Commercial Photography Normandy. By corporate photographer in Normandy Sabina Cowdery. I was contacted by Les Jardins de Créances about a commercial photography project. They work directly with producers in the Manche department of Normandy, France who grow a wide range of field-grown vegetables. The vegetables grown by their producers are washed and packaged in Créances and in the Val de Saire, and shipped to destinations in France and abroad. Their project had two elements, for their upcoming modern website. Firstly they were looking to capture portraits of their personnel as they work, both adminastrative and production, including a group photo. Secondly they wanted to create visuals to illustrate the steps of their production and packaging and all departmentsRead more “Commercial Photography Normandy”
Fabulous Mont St Michel Proposal Captured by bilingual photographer Sabina Cowdery Eric’s proposal to Alanne was an unusual one as both their mums were on the trip to France with them. It occasionally happens, that family are with the couple. That’s absiolutely no problem with me. I love that their loved ones are there to witness their special moment. I then always offer to take family photos to include everyone in the moment. I give those photos free of charge even if the Silver package with 20 images is chosen. They’d all travelled from Brazil to enjoy a very special trip to France. They were running late due to car rental issues that morning in Paris but EricRead more “Fabulous Mont St Michel Proposal”
Spring Mont-St-Michel Engagement Shoot Photos captured by English speaking photographer Sabina Cowdery This Mont-St-Michel engagement photo-shoot wasn’t as orginally planned. Antoine had originally booked it to be a surprise proposal photo-shoot but then Covid happened. Their trip over from California sadly had to be postponed. Not wanting to wait, he proposed and in time let Lauren know what he had originally organised. So when they were able to reschedule their trip after any risk and restrictions had been lifted Antoine got back in touch. As they were staying overnight a the Mont I blocked both days. The reason I do that is because the Normandy weather can be unpredictable and I always thinks it’s important to keep ourRead more “Spring Mont-St-Michel Engagement Shoot”
Wedding Photographer – Mont-St-Michel Discover Brazilian couple Felipe and Joyce’s Wedding photo-shoot. Sabina Cowdery, helping create memories at the Mont-St-Michel, Normandy. Felipe and Joyce were enjoying their honeymoon around Europe, three weeks after getting married. They’d contacted me beforehand looking for a Wedding photographer for a photo-shoot at the Mont-St-Michel. Most of my photo-shoots at the Mont-st-Michel are surprise proposal photo-shoots but every now and again a couple are looking to have photos in their wedding attire at the world famous Mont-St-Michel and I’m always happy to oblige. It was mid-September and we were lucky with the weather. Here in Normandy the weather can be changeable all year round and I always offer to stay flexible on theRead more “Wedding Photographer – Mont-St-Michel”
Magical Mont-St-Michel Surprise Proposal Photos captured by English speaking photographer Sabina Cowdery. This was a wonderful, sunny, early evening magical Mont-St-Michel proposal. I’d been contacted a few months beforehand by Lukas, looking to capture his proposal to Tait. A few days beforehand we’d checked the weather forecast, as I always do, and chosen the time and place. What worked best for them as thay were staying overnight on the island itself was to do the proposal on the bridge not far from the entrance. It’s always a fun challenge capturing a proposal so close to the Mont. There can be quite a few tourists and I obviously have to try and make sure the crucial moment isn’t blockedRead more “Magical Mont-St-Michel Surprise Proposal”
Family Photographer Mont-St-Michel. A fun family photo-shoot at the world famious Mont-St-Michel. With locally based English-speaking photographer Sabina Cowdery. I was contacted by Julie who was looking for a family photographer to capture some portraits and family photos during their vacation to Normandy from their home in Texas in the USA. They were staying in Cancale which is in the Bretagne region. As I suspected that would probaly visit the Mont-St-Michel during their holiday I suggested it as the location for the photo-shoot as I thought that the family might like their family photos with the iconic Mont-St-Michel in the background and I wasn’t wrong. I know the Mont-st-Miichel well as I regularly capture surprise marriage proposal photo-shoots thereRead more “Family Photographer Mont-St-Michel”
A big day for Photographer Sabina Cowdery Discover how she acquired French Nationality after living in Normandy for 20 years. Today was an exciting day for me I went to collect my French ID card and passport! I think most of you know I’m British but maybe not all the newcomers. I’ve been living in France for twenty years, in #Normandy, my adopted region. Since we arrived, we immediately made every effort to integrate and support local communities, and we’ve been warmly welcomed by all. I always felt at home here… up until Brexit. Something changed in me, in the way I felt. I had always been a European citizen and this gave us the right toRead more “French Nationality”
Mont-St-Michel Wedding Photographer Photographer Sabina Cowdery captures wedding photos for a lovely Japanese couple. This photo-shoot with Mont-St-Michel Wedding Photographer Sabina Cowdery was particularly memorable for two reasons. Often my photo-shoots at the Mont-St-Michel are to capture Surprise marriage proposals but this couple contacted me from their home in Tokyo, Japan to ask if I could capture some wedding photos for them. They’d recently got married at home but wanted to capture some special pictures during their trip to Europe. Communication via email was easy enough as they translated their questions and sent them via email. On the day we partially used voice translation and managed to get by with English and hand gestures. The first memorable partRead more “Mont-St-Michel Wedding Photographer”
LGBT Friendly Photographer – Surprise Proposal at the Mont-St-Michel. Captured by Sabina Cowdery, English-speaking photographer in Normandy. // Lisez cet article en français // Wow! Carlie and Auxane’s surprise proposal and engagement photoshoot at the Mont-St-Michel was simply wonderful! Carlie had contacted me about three months beforehand, looking for a photographer to capture her proposal at the world famous Mont-St-Michel. She explained that both she and Auxane lived in the US but that Auxane’s family were orginally from France which is why she thought of proposing whilst over here on holiday. In her email she asked tentatively if I’d captured a same-sex couple’s proposal before and I sensed a concern as to whether I was a photographerRead more “LGBT Friendly Photographer – Mont-St-Michel Proposal”
Normandy D-Day Veterans Photographed at the Landing Beaches. Captured by Sabina Cowdery, commercial photographer in Normandy since 2008. // Lisez cet article sur les vétérans du D-Day en français en cliaquant ici // As with every year Armistice Day reminds us all of the sacrifice made by the generations before us. Where so many (too many) have paid the ultimate price for the freedom of future generations to live in peace in democratic societies. To give my family for example the freedom to choose to ‘up sticks’ from our home country of England to come and live here in Normandy back in 2004. I’m privileged in that as a photographer based not far from the famous D-Day Landing Beaches ofRead more “Normandy D-Day Veterans Photographed at the Landing Beaches”
Newborn Lifestyle Photographer Normandy Capturing those tender early moments with beautiful photography // Lisez en français cet article sur la photographie de nouveau-né en Normandie // Those first precious days when you come home are the ideal time to have a photo-shoot with a newborn lifestyle photographer. Capture the first bath, immortalise those cuddles when your baby is so small that they snuggle in the crook of your arm or supported with their tiny head on your shoulder. You’ll quickly forget just how small they were. It’s so lovely to have photos that capture the fluffiness of their newborn hair and how they slept so peacefully all curled up, replicating the position before they were even born.Read more “Newborn Lifestyle Photographer Normandy”
Winter Proposal at the Mont St Michel. Capture by Proposal and Engagement Photographer Sabina Cowdery. This winter proposal at the Mont St Michel was the first of the year on a Saturday in January. Normandy winters are mostly overcast and can be rainy so I can never guarantee good weather. Let me say that photoshoots in overcast weather aren’t a bad thing because cloudy weather gives a soft flattering light and can be really beautiful too. For Matthieu’s proposal to Ellie this certainly wasn’t the case. There had been a cold snap for a few days and there had even been some snow and chilly weather was forecast. To fit around Matthieu’s plans, as they were driving toRead more “Winter Proposal at the Mont St Michel”
Discover Alpe d’Huez – Isère – France By Sabina Cowdery, English-speaking tourism photographer. // Découvrez cet article sur l’Alpe d’Huez en français // For over a decade now I’ve been organising and capturing images for local and regional tourist offices in Normandy, where I’ve lived since 2004. I really enjoy tourism photography as I’m curious by nature and I love discovering the countryside, architecture and culture of places the same way I do in my private life. Tourism photo-shoots involve finding participants to feature in te shoot. Years ago tourism photoshoots were just about the locations and little by little the tourist offices realised that these images looked better with people in them so now all photo-shootsRead more “Discover Alpe d’Huez”
Event Photographer – Visit to the Historic Park Ornavik. From Vikings to Normans, photographed by Sabina Cowdery. Normandie Attractivité invited me to discover Ornavik, a fascinating historical park, that recreates the era before and after the Vikings arrived in Normandy. Being a fan of Vikings based series I jumped at the chance to discover about the viking history right here in Normandy. Along with other locals invited as ‘Normandy Ambassadors’ for the event we enjoyed a great afternoon. At the moment there are two distinct areas to Ornavik. The first is a recreation of Norman life before the arrival of the Vikings. This is known as the Carolingian period after the King of the Franks, Charlemagne. This area allows youRead more “Visit Ornavik – Event Photographer”
Surprise Proposal Photographer Mont-St-Michel Capturing magical, unforgettable moments – Normandy based British photographer Sabina Cowdery. One of the most moving and enjoyable parts of running my own photography business is being a Surprise Proposal Photographer at the Mont-St-Michel. It’s world famous for its Abbey and Monastry that began over 1000 years ago… yes, one thousand years! For the last few years I’ve been contacted each year by some wonderful young men looking to chose this incredible location as the place they’d like to propose. Many romantic lovers from the USA, from Europe et even South America too. Of course planning a surprise proposal at the Mont-Saint-Michel involves discretion and organisation to help make this unforgettable moment happen. Read more “Surprise Proposal Photographer Mont-St-Michel”
Exposition Photo – Artisans – Percy-en-Normandie By professional photographer Sabina Cowdery Discover the photo exhibition featuring the talented Artisans of Percy-en-Normandie captured by professional photographer Sabina Cowdery The town hall of Percy-en-Normandie contacted me to ask if I would produce their outdoor summer photo exhibition and asked me to propose a theme. I quickly came up with the idea to feature the local artisans, some of whom are well known but others perhaps not so much. The other element that I wanted to show was which businesses large and small have know-how and expertise that is artisanal. I also proposed that the photo club of the local high school participate as I’m its patron. It’s run by Alexandre Lamy, theRead more “Artisans Photo Exhibtion – Percy-en-Normandie”
Show photographer in Normandy Kind of Queen at the ‘Beaux Jours’ festival in Alençon. // Lisez cet article en français // After a full day’s tourism photo-shoot at Vendeuvre discovering and photographing the Chateau de Vendeuvre, the go karting and the Arpents du Soleil vineyard (yes there is a vineyard in Normandy, surprising isn’t it) for Falaise Tourism I could have simply gone home and rested after a good day’s work. But no, Kind of Queen were performing as part of the ‘Beaux Jours’ event in Alençon. I’d had the chance to enjoy their concerts before and photograph them and after what seemed an eternity of no concerts I wanted to enjoy a fabulous evening out withRead more “Show photographer in Normandy – Kind of Queen”
Hospital Medical Photographer – Centre de la Baie – Radiotherapy Centre in Normandy. By commercial photographer Sabina Cowdery. // Lire cet article en français // I recently carried out a photo-shoot for the Centre de la Baie, a radiotherapy and oncology centre in Avranches, Normandy. I asked to visit the centre beforehand to meet members of staff but also for two other reasons. Firstly I wanted to see the rooms that house the main three radiotherapy machines. This was so I would be able to assess the light in these rooms, knowing that there would be no natural light. This allowed me to judge that I would bring additional lights for the actual photo-shoot to accentuate the participantsRead more “Hospital Medical Photographer – Normandy – France”
Product Photographer Normandy – Archvillain Games – Part One By bilingual photographer in France Sabina Cowdery This was a fun and unusual project for a company based in both Greece and the USA. I was contacted by the owners on the hunt for a perfect location for their Dungeons and Dragons // Lisez cet article en français? Cliquez ici // Well, where do I start? What began as a ‘standard’ photo-shoot request quickly evolved into a much larger and simply fascinating project, that was both challenging and fulfilling at the same time. I was contacted by Konstantinos Martinos of Archvillain Games about photographing their five prototypes for a crowdfunding investment launch planned for that October. They’re called ‘Gauntlets’ and essentiallyRead more “Product Photographer Normandy – Archvillain Games – Part One”
Concert Photographer – Capturing an exceptional evening with ‘Kind of Queen’ Manche – Normandy. I’ve been capturing events and concerts for several years now as part of my photography business. I’ve had the privilege to capture many moving D-Day commemoration concerts with veterans. I’ve also had the honour of capturing several concerts in Paris, notably outdoor concert in front to the Eiffel tower and inside the famous ‘Eglise de la Madelaine’ church with American choirs. This concert, on the other hand was a wonderful foot-stomping, sing-a-long evening by the wonderful ‘Kind of Queen’ at the Condé Espace concert venue here in Manche Normandy. Kind of Queen don’t consider themselves a tribute band. They’re are a group ofRead more “Concert Photographer – Capturing an exceptional evening with ‘Kind of Queen’ Normandy”
Photographer for Tourism – St-Pair-sur-Mer – The waves and the beach – Manche – Normandie By Normandy based bilingual photographer Sabina Cowdery // Lire cet article en français // Wow! Just wow! I can’t tell how lovely it was to go out to the seaside in the winter sunshine. After several days in front of my computer and doing mundane accounts and filing I saw a window of opportunity to enjoy a solo outing to the beach just for the pleasure. A friend suggested St-Pair-sur-Mer and i was happy to try somewhere new. They mentioned it had a seawater swimming pool that might make interesting photos and boy, we’re they right ! I knew the tide would be coming inRead more “Photographer for Tourism – St-Pair-sur-Mer – The waves and the beach – Manche – Normandie”
Christmas Illuminations photographed in Normandy, France. By commercial and event photographer Sabina Cowdery. Despite being busy finishing my work for the end of the year, video and photo editing of my commercial and tourism projects I couldn’t help but set myself a personal challenge ‘Just for fun’ to capture the Christmas illuminations in Normandy. Photography isn’t just my job or my business it is also my passion and hobby and there is always room to improve and challenge oneself. In addition it’s great to provide new content for my social media and this proves popular for locals an helps spread the word about my work. I’d already captured some images of a local town, Villedieu-les-Poêles, at Christmas one afternoon aRead more “Christmas Illuminations photographed in Normandy, France”
D-Day Liberation Parade at Bayeux – Normandie Photographed by professional photographer in Normandy, Sabina Cowdery. There was an air of celebration in Bayeux for their D-Day Parade. Celebration of the Liberation by the Allied Forces in WWII. The central street was packed as the bands and military vehicles passed by. // Lire cet article en français // It was already a fabulous event but the icing on the cake was the flypast of the Patrouille de France (The french equivalent of the British Red-Arrows or US Air Force’s Thunderbirds air acrobatics team). Perfectly aligned with the main street lined with thousands of already happy participants and loud cheer went up as they flew overhead with their blue, white and redRead more “D-Day Liberation Parade at Bayeux – Normandie”
Event Photography – D-Day Concert at Omaha Beach conducted by Colonel Gabriel. Concert produced by Music Celebrations International Photographed by bilingual photographer in Normandy, Sabina Cowdery. // Lire cet article en français // On D-Day for the commemorations of the 75th anniversary I was commissioned once again by Music Celebrations International to capture one of their beautiful concerts. Five years previously I’d had the privilege to meet Conductor Emeritus Colonel Gabriel as he conducted at this very same spot and two days prior to this concert in Normandy I’d been asked to capture their concert in Paris, at La Place Joffre with the perfect backdrop of the Eiffel Tower. This D-day concert was held at St-Laurent-sur-Mer in front ofRead more “Event Photography – D-Day Concert at Omaha Beach conducted by Colonel Gabriel”
Brittany American Cemetery – D-Day Musical Ceremony and commemorations at St James. Event photography by Normandy based bilingual photographer Sabina Cowdery // Lisez l’article en français // For the big day itself, the 6th of June on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day I was commissioned to capture a musical ceremony and commemoration at the St James’ Brittany American Cemetery. As well as dignitaries and US WWII veterans there were over 3000 American musicians and singers participating. The Normandy weather couldn’t have been better for everyone to participate and appreciate the veterans who were present and those buried at the cemetery having paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country and the freedom of us all. There was a wise range of bands, fromRead more “Brittany American Cemetery D-Day – Musical Ceremony at St James”
Event reportage – Normandy American Cemetery #DDay75 – Musical commemoration and ceremony. // Lisez cet article en français // On the 7th of June 2019 I photographed a wonderful musical event and ceremony at the Normandy American Cemetery #DDay75. It was the day after the International ceremony with many heads of State, Emmanuel Macron, Donald Trump for example. The installation of the stands, towers for international press and television and the roof over the memorial area were all still in place but it was instead filled with over 3000 American musicians and singers, from Texas and New York and many other States. Apart from being a musical event it was also a ceremony on the presence of american veterans, includingRead more “Normandy American Cemetery #DDay75 – Event Photography”
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