Newborn Lifestyle Photographer Normandy
Capturing those tender early moments with beautiful photography
// Lisez en français cet article sur la photographie de nouveau-né en Normandie //
Those first precious days when you come home are the ideal time to have a photo-shoot with a newborn lifestyle photographer. Capture the first bath, immortalise those cuddles when your baby is so small that they snuggle in the crook of your arm or supported with their tiny head on your shoulder.
You’ll quickly forget just how small they were. It’s so lovely to have photos that capture the fluffiness of their newborn hair and how they slept so peacefully all curled up, replicating the position before they were even born.
Discover a photo-shoot I carried when this gorgeous newborn was only five days old. It was his first full day at home and his first bath at home. His mum mentioned recently that she treasure’s those early photos now that he’s nearly two years old.
*This is a selection of black and white images but photo-shoots include both colour and black and white images

Newborn Lifestyle Photographer Normandy with Sabina of Anibas Photography
When is the best time to plan a newborn photo-shoot ?
The answer is…as soon as possible
The ideal time for a newborn photo-shoot is within the first fortnight after your little one has arrived. Now we can’t necessarily know the exact date that your little bundle of joy is going to arrive but it’s best to get in touch during the last months of your pregnancy to discuss the photo-shoot so everything apart from the date is all organised, whilst your heads aren’t spinning from the excitement and emotion of bringing new life into the world.
What do we need to prepare ?
Nothing. A favourite outfit, if you’d like. The idea of a ‘lifestyle’ photo-shoot is that I come to your home to capture your family as you experience your first days together. I capture feeding time, cuddle time, bath time, whatever you’re doing. I can capture breastfeeding or not, whatever you’re comfortable with.
I don’t bring equipment and do baby posing. I photograph using the natural light of your home, adapting to the light and creating images using daylight through your windows.